尋找中美洲 / 台灣產品

Sealing Machine

產品說明 -Small Size, Light Weight
-Simple operation, prompt packing.
-Complete Sealing without any leakage.
-Protecting freshness for carrying outside, sanitary and convenient.
-Cheap prices, saving labor and time.
-Sealing one time finish without adjustment.
-Safe Fence, protect user safety.
-Automatically Detecting the fixation of the paper roll.
-Suitable for using non-poison PP/PS. Easy to tear film.
-Made of Aluminum alloy and molded in one unit.

公司名稱 Yuan Yang Frozen Machine Co., Ltd

聯絡電話+886 2 22984588

電子郵件 yuanyang@ms11.hinet.net

網站 http://www.yuanyang.com.tw
