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ATrack Technology is founded by a group of professionals with past proven records involved in design, development and manufacturing of AVL tracking system. Our goal is to provide the most stable, cost effective and robust featured AVL tracking system through our worldwide partner-based distribution networks for the location-based telematics industry. Two of the biggest ATrack shareholders are ADATA Technology (www.adata.com.tw) and AboCom Systems (www.abocom.com.tw). Both are stock listed company in Taiwan and with capital over USD70M and USD48M, respectively. AboCom Systems is the top leading wireless and telecommunication manufacturer for many leading name-brand wireless networking and telecommunication companies worldwide. All of ATrack’s AVL tracking devices are manufactured and tested by AboCom Systems to ensure the best quality and stability to meet our customer’s highest expectation.

名稱 威潤科技股份有限公司

所屬國家 中華民國台灣

類別1 防盜設備

類別2 通信系統

聯絡電話1 +886227975852

電子郵件 vito@atrack.com.tw

網站 http://www.atrack.com.tw

