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WILMER CHEMICAL LABORATORY COMPANY LTD Cairo Egypt Office And India & Europe We supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes, anti-breeze bank notes, stamped coated notes, Prepared De-icing Fluids,Vectrol paste, Tebi-Manetic solution,marked or stained currency. We melt and re-activate frozen chemicals and offer 100% cleaning for bills like dollar, euro, pounds,RANDS and transferring of colours from used note to new white bills. Treasure Purification Chemicals owns a multi program international laboratory of the standard of U.S. Department of Currency. We offer machines for large cleaning and also deliver products to any location desired by buyers. Laboratory staffs are available to train researchers to conduct systematic effective field works. Contact us for more detail DR. AABID MATINS. SKYPE (WILMER.DOCTORS) Email: wilmerchemical@hotmail.com Email: wilmerdoctors@dr.com Office Tell:+201147680270 Fax : +201147680270 1147680270


所屬國家 貝里斯

類別1 農畜水產及食品

類別2 清潔用品

類別3 商業服務

聯絡電話1 +201147680270

聯絡電話2 +201147680270

電子郵件 wilmerdoctors@dr.com

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