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Please let us introduce our company, Compunic Electronics Co., Ltd. as the original designer and supplier of Metal detectors in Taiwan. For over 30 years, Compunic designs and manufactures different kinds of metal detectors for various industries such as food processing, pharmacy, textile, garment, shoe making, and plastic industries. Compunic supplies All Brand New, High performance and Durable machines with sufficient new spare parts which are always available for any instant support & service. Moreover, the prices are even more affordable than other brand’s second hand machines. Over 30,000 sets of Compunic metal detectors have been installed in most Asian countries and some in USA & Europe.

名稱 資正電子企業股份有限公司

所屬國家 中華民國台灣

類別1 農畜水產及食品

類別2 食品飲料機械

類別3 整廠設備

聯絡電話1 02-2299-2533

電子郵件 compunic@ms1.hinet.net

網站 http://www.compunic.com.tw

