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Novel capsule technology provides for easier swallowing

Introduction Typical hard gelatin capsules are sealed bubbles of powdered ingredients and air that float on the suface of the liquid they are swallowed with, traveling on top, and thus behind it, during peristalsis in the esophagus. For many people swallowing capsules can be uncomfortable, or more seriously they can become stuck as the gelatin surface quickly becomes sticky once it is out of the liquid. This is a problem for many of the elderly as our esophagus tends to dry with age; and for children for size reasons; and others who have difficulty or fear of taking pills.
The ComfortCap solves this problem by sinking in the liquid it is taken with by means of densification and passes in this liquid down the throat and esophagus more smoothly, with significantly less chance of becoming stuck. Its unique characteristics of added density and weight also takes advantage of gravity in the downward motion of swallowing. By filling the otherwise unused top (cap) portion of a two piece gelatin capsule with specific weighted materials, the end capsule product becomes much more dense and overcomes its buoyancy hindrance. This can easily be demonstrated - as well as its advantage in swallowing by its utilization of gravity - by dropping a typical capsule in a glass of water where it will float; then dropping a ComfotCap in the same glass where it will sink.
The ComfortCap fits in with current manufacturing and capsule filling processes. It has been studied by the University of Wisconsin and was recommended for development by its ease of manufacture, marketability and benefit to consumers. The ComfortCap has the potential of brand differentiation in its marketing strategy.

Company Sinew Consulting Group


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