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Aquilaria agallocha Incense

Introduction Mediocre city life, anger can not help but always with an unknown door, intractable pains and sorrows, lots to talk about cynicism, when the water in the door of Hong Rao Shen Shen and over, to calm this Everything, so at home as the paradise-like, into another quiet atmosphere, this is the taste of home, so that all the gloom beyond the door, a real sense of belonging to their personal space. Journal of wood from trees by the wind, Shen wood compared their fat condensed cream part, drowning the sink, that is, the water sink in the sink in the higher grade of wood, the aroma of incense is more content than the average, generate easy, harvesting Difficulties, its production was scarce and precious, is widely popular.

Company Siang Di International Co., Ltd.


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