尋找中美洲 / 台灣廠商

Jinan Should Shine Import nd Export Co., Ltd.

Jinan Should Shine Import And Export Co., Ltd. is company specialized in educational equipment, scientific instruments such as automobile vehicle trainer, electrical engineer laboratory,hydraulic workbench, pneumatic trainer, air conditioner trainer, mechatronics training equipment, elevator trainer,lift teaching mode, vice education bench,renewable trainer, solar and wind trainer, mechanical laboratory, home appliance trainer for university,technical schools,college,engineer training center.Should Shine products has been exported to Latin America, ME, South Asia, South Africa, North Africa.

名稱 Jinan Should Shine Import nd Export Co., Ltd.

所屬國家 Other Countries

類別1 Manufacturing Equipments

類別2 Electronic Equipments

類別3 Products for office

聯絡電話1 86-531-67808851

聯絡電話2 86-18053222712

電子郵件 info@ssedumachine.com

網站 http://www.ssedumachine.com

