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Agricultural patent to improve cucurbit plant crop yield significantly
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Agricultural patent to improve cucurbit plant crop yield significantly
When producing cucurbit plants like water melons, the strips of soil containing the plants, are covered with a plastic sheet. These plastic sheets contain holes through which the plant grows, preventing the fruit from touching the soil. It also prevents the growth of weeds and evaporation of moisture. However, research has shown that the wind has a significant impact on the yield of fruit, and yield increases can be achieved when crops are shielded from wind. On smooth surfaces like plastic sheeting, the leaves of a plant cannot stabilize itself. The result is that stems are twisted, and leaves loose their orientation to the sun, which causes lower photosynthesis and lower yield. A new patent incorporates a netted structure into the plastic sheet, providing sufficient grip areas for stems and leaves. This resulted is a 20% (twenty percent) increase in yield in all tested cucurbit crops. Due to better leave orientation, there is better photosynthesis, larger leaves coverage, and better quality fruit due to less sun damage. Patent protection for this technology has been secured in most cucurbit producing countries.