
Central America FTA Product Center

CATO Projects
【Guatemalan Photographers Co-Exhibition 2019】Through the lens: two perspectives

The first Photography Award for Guatemalans in Taiwan will be held at the first floor art gallery in Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall from September 21 to October 7. The exhibition will display award-winning photographic works by up-and-coming Guatemalan photographers. These photographers reveal the beauty of Taiwan through their lenses, while advertising Guatemalan local culture, ecology and customs, showing the magic of Guatemala in Taiwan as well as the charm of Guatemala and Taiwan. This exhibition is a promotion of Guatemalan tourism in Taiwan and will serve as a bridge for photographic communication between Taiwan and Guatemala.

Exhibition date: September 21 to October 07, 2019
Venue: Art Gallery at 1F of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
