
Central America FTA Product Center

CATO Projects
【Belize Art Exhibition 2019】Belize and Taiwan @ 30-An Abiding Friendship

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Taiwan and Belize, the Embassy of Belize will hold a series of events in October. One of them is an art exhibition. Famous Belizean painters Rachael Nadine Heusner and Fernando Cruz Crasborn will bring a number of wonderful paintings and exhibit them in the Belize Art Exhibition 2019~Belize and Taiwan @ 30-An Abiding Friendship together in Yuan Ru Gallery in Taipei from October 15 to November 3. These paintings highlight the scenery and custom of Belize and daily life of ordinary Belizeans through the artists’ sensuous and freehand drawing style. The Embassy of Belize also wishes to promote art and cultural exchange between Taiwan and Belize through this event so that people in Taiwan can further understand Belizean culture and custom.

Rachael Nadine Heusner
Rachael Nadine Heusner has held art exhibitions in Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Honduras, Mexico, Barbados, Anquila, Suriname and the United States. Her works have been collected by buyers and artists from all over the world. The inspiration of her works often comes from her experience in Belize where she grew up. She uses different media and interesting natural elements, such as coffee, turmeric and chocolate, to capture the beauty of common people and the Caribbean.

Fernando Cruz Crasborn
Growing up in an art and political family in San Ignacio, Fernando Cruz Crasborn is a self-taught artist whose paintings have different themes and styles, from portraits to abstract paintings. His paintings are also part of Belize’s national collection. Two of them are exhibited in Belize National Museum. He is especially fond of drawing portraits of common people. For Fernando, common people represent the most authentic, primitive and pure side of life. 

Date: October 15 to November 03
Venue: Yuan Ru Gallery (10th Floor, No. 343, Section 5, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City)
