
Central America FTA Product Center

CATO Projects
2020 Belize themed Lanterns Will be Showcased in Taichung & Taipei

Our diplomatic allied in Central America, Belize will participate in the Lantern Festivals in Taipei and Taichung this year. In order to share the joy of Chinese Year with the people of Taiwan, Belize will showcase 2 themed lanterns representing the “Maya culture” and the “Great Blue Hole” respectively.

It will be the first time that Belize participates in “2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival” held at Houli Flora Expo Site in Taichung. Belize will transform its very famous Great Blue Hole into themed lanterns. The Great Blue hole is the world-known touristic   attraction that was selected as the World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1996. This year, Belize makes the Great Blue Hole as the background of its lantern and highlight it with marine creatures in the front which symbolizes the everlasting ecological system in the Blue Hole. The diver and the sailboat in the center of the lantern represent the harmonious lifestyle that Belizean people have with the nature.  

Belize also participates in “2020 Taipei Lantern Festival” with a lantern combining the Mayan ruin and its cultural elements. The Mask Temple, the most characteristic building in Lamanai Maya archaeological sites of Belize, features 2 identical face masks on the front exterior of the structure, as the backdrop of the lantern. In front of the temple, there are colorful costumed and masked characters from the living Maya cultural tradition, The Deer Dance Festival, depicting animals from the forest such as the deer, jaguar and monkey as well as the Western conquerors of yore. The dance, with Marimba music, symbolises the thriving and close connection between the indigenous Maya and the land.

These 2 beautiful and distinctive Belizean themed lanterns will be showcased in “2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival” in Taichung and “2020 Taipei Lantern Festival” starting on February 8th. Taiwanese will be able to witness the beauty of Caribbean Sea and strengthen the connection with Belizean people without flying out of the country. Come to visit these celebrative and artistic Lantern Festivals!  

Information of Festivals:

“2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival” in Taichung
Venue: International Lanterns ,Houli Forest Park Area
Date: Feb. 8th (Sat.)- Feb. 23th (Sun.)
Time: 2pm-10pm (weekday); 10am-10pm(weekend)

“2020 Taipei Lantern Festival”
Venue: International Area, Ximending
Date: Feb. 8th (Sat.)- Feb. 16th (Sun.)
Time: 4pm-10pm (weekday); 1pm-11pm(weekend)
