尋找中美洲 / 台灣產品
Safe Auto Lock Gate Carabiner
*Use on rope course and climbing usage.
*Size: 11 x 6.5 (cm).
*Material: aluminum.
*Weight: 100g.
* 25KN、 7KN、Gate open 7KN、Gate clearence 115/78mm.
*Auto lock is to operate.
*Adding the pin to keep strap or ropes on 25 KN parte but 7 KN for security.
*Colors: Aluminum, titanium, valuable blue, light blue, golden yellow, dark green, dark gray, garnet.
Specification 11 x 6.5 (cm)
Company International Outdoor Technology, INC.
Tel886 2 2302 4028
E-Mail outdoor.tech@msa.hinet.net
Website http://iot.myweb.hinet.net