尋找中美洲 / 台灣產品

Jockey Club 5

Introduction 1. Operation Mode:
(2)Matrix Keyboard.
(3)Touch Panel.
2. Screen:
(1) Low resolution(CGA-15KHZ).
(2) High resolution (VGA-31KHZ).
3. Number of players:
(1) Single player.
(2) Two players.
4. Probability: 58%~98%.
5. Number of horse: 8 horses.
6. Random double-up: 999 (the highest).
7. HI-FI Stereo music.
8. New version.

Company Gauss Enterprise (Gauss Hi-Tech Company)


E-Mail gauss001@ms4.hinet.net

Website http://www.gauss.com.tw

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