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Crazy Poker

Introduction 1. GSE-626A VGA Multigame PCB Crazy Poker includes one virtual webpage, eight amusement games and one gambling game.
2. Crazy Poker is attractive because it applies random multiplication to the game.
3. Crazy Poker is a traditional poker game. After winning main game, player can select “double-double-up”, “double-up”, “half double-up” or “collect” to risk the winnings or collect the credits.
4. This game offers extra prizes to the card combination of “5 of a kind”, “Royal Flush”, “Straight Flush”, and “4 of a kind” to attract the players and make the game more interesting.

System Requirement
(1)MONITOR: 31.5 KHz (VGA) or computer monitor.
(2)Operation device can be buttons, touch screen or both and can be adjusted by DIPSW3-1 and DIPSW3-2 of PCB.

Company Gauss Enterprise (Gauss Hi-Tech Company)


E-Mail gauss001@ms4.hinet.net

Website http://www.gauss.com.tw

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