2015Meicheng Best Product high definition HD/SD digital AV Mixer
2014Xmas Best Product-CMX-12 為一高畫質(HD/SD)數位影音處理器,數位影音效果輸入各有A / B兩頻道,各自可選擇6組輸入 ( 2組HDMI,2組Component,S-Video 及2組 Composite ) 及一組背景顏色選項作特效處理。輸出則有一組HDMI,2組Component,S-Video及2組Composite可作調整及錄影。
2014Xmas Best Product-CMX-12 is a high definition digital AV Mixer, which is a simple type of HD/SD Video Mixer Editor to switch and effects. Each input BUS supports 6 inputs (2 x HDMI, 2 x Component, 2 x S-Video and Composite video) and also Background Color for special effect. The output supports 1 x HDMI, 2 x Component, 2 x S-Video and Composite video, CMX-12 HD AV Mixer also supports position adjustment and recording. The output supports HD/SD resolution for example, NTSC, NTSC-4.43, PAL, PAL-M, PAN-N, SECAM, 480p, 576p, 720p 50/60, 1080i 50/60. The output can automatically adjust to consistency resolution, please refer to the diagram on the right side.2014Xmas Best Product-CMX-12 is a high definition digital AV Mixer, which is a simple type of HD/SD Video Mixer Editor to switch and effects. Each input BUS supports 6 inputs (2 x HDMI, 2 x Component, 2 x S-Video and Composite video) and also Background Color for special effect. The output supports 1 x HDMI, 2 x Component, 2 x S-Video and Composite video, CMX-12 HD AV Mixer also supports position adjustment and recording. The output supports HD/SD resolution for example, NTSC, NTSC-4.43, PAL, PAL-M, PAN-N, SECAM, 480p, 576p, 720p 50/60, 1080i 50/60. The output can automatically adjust to consistency resolution, please refer to the diagram on the right side.
886 2 82280311
886 2 82280319