
Central America FTA Product Center

公司資訊 精品豆保鮮袋
Ark preserve bag is a high-barrier super hermetic bag made of multi layered polymers. It is designed to properly store and extend the preservation period for agricultural products. It helps to maintain the humidity level of the stored products as the plastic is completely sealed, which isolates the ...more
公司資訊 吸氣連續式封口機
專利號碼:15114/114403/170783 ●獨特設計的吸氣裝置,封口前先將袋內大部分空氣吸出,可大幅延長包裝物品保存期限, 及減少包裝物體積,節省儲存空間。 ●固定式腳架,附隱藏式工具箱。 ●全齒輪式傳動,運轉穩定加長零件壽命,封口優美。 ●可選購印字器打印製造日期、有效日期、批號、重量…等。 ●可選購伸縮式腳架。當機器不用,可將輸送架縮小並藏於機身下,節省機械存放空間。〈專利品〉 ●輸送架之高低調整,速度快只需一秒鐘。 ●基本封口功能如CC7203機型,差別在CC-7209多了吸氣裝置及輸送速度為無段變速等功能。機構大有不同〈參閱圖〉 規格說明 輸送台最大載重: ...more
公司資訊 中型臥式連續式封口機
專利號碼:198076 ●本機適合中型袋之封口作業。 ●輸送臺可0°~20°傾斜調整,可使包裝物往袋底集中,防止物品流出。 ●附印字器,可打印單排或雙排製造日期、有效日期、批號、重量…等。 ●全齒輪式傳動,運轉穩定加長零件壽命,封口優美。 ●多重安全防護措施。 ●封口位置離地高度73公分(符合人體工學設計,長時間工作不易疲勞)。 ●本機適合包裝袋長4-30公分各種食品粉粒狀物、固體物、五金、文具、電子、麵包、醫療器材等之封口(或可選購輸送帶加寬)。 規格說明 輸送台最大載重:20 公斤 鋼帶尺寸(寬×長):10×1080 mm 輸送帶尺寸(寬×長):200×2250 ...more
公司資訊 重型立式封口機
功能說明 •本機為立式系列中第二大型機種,適合大型包裝袋之封口。 •本機輸送台電動升降及上下行程極限控制。 •適合包裝袋高10-50公分。 •全齒輪式傳動,運轉穩定加長零件壽命,封口優美。 •多重安全防護措施。 •立式封口作業,適合五金、液體、粉粒體、糊狀、油性物質之封口。 規格說明 輸送台最大載重:20 公斤 鋼帶尺寸(寬×長):10×1330 mm 輸送帶尺寸(寬×長):200×2700 mm 尼龍帶尺寸(寬×長):5×1250 mm 輸送裝置速度:10 米/分 電壓:110/220 V, 1PH 使用功率:1050 W 馬達:1/4HP 輸送台高度調整 ...more
公司資訊 OLS-1000 Analog Overlay Learning System
To assemble and examine experiment is laborious. OLS Series will condition the students to visualize the function of experiment circuit.Electronic theory will be taught straightly out of book accordingly. The main objective of this trainer is to teach the student of Electronic circuits rather tha ...more
公司資訊 ETS-8000 General Digitized Training System
Computer interaction with simulation software and emulation hardware ...more
公司資訊 LT-1000 Digital Learning Teacher
FEATURES : 1.With 10 modules including 18 experiments 2.Step-by-step exercises and application 3.Compatible with ETS-7000 digital-analog system and ETS-5000 advanced digital system 4.Modular can be changed easily 5.With experiment manual ...more
公司資訊 歐式購物推車
180-liter capacity for family shopping. Durable use. Easy clean. W/ and w/o baby seats and have a funny family shopping day. Materials: Steel Finished: Zinc-plated, Chrome plated Dimension: L1010 x W575 x H1010mm (39.76"L x 22.64"W x 39.76"H) Capacity: 180-liter Weight: 19.8kgs (43.65lbs) ...more
公司資訊 亞式購物推車
Firm construction for stable moving. Easy clean with a metal material. 100-liter capacity for shopping. W/ or w/o a baby seat and have a funny family shopping. Materials: Steel Finished: Zinc-plated, chrome-plated, or plastic powdered (Special for anti-rust) Dimension: L870 x W525 x H980mm ( ...more
公司資訊 亞式購物推車
With swivel castors is easy to move around the aisles. Easy to pull and push to create an outstanding shopping experience. Steel material is quick to clean the surface. Dual-layer for large capacity. The compact design allows the movement to be light and easy. Double basket for added merchandis ...more
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