Silvotecnia S.A.
Silvotecnia SA is a young and dynamic company based in Costa Rica, dedicated to the promotion of clean technologies and environmentally friendly common access.
We are representatives for Central Qemi-Zuchem group.
We develop in the line of polymers for agricultural use.
Hidrokeeper: Withholding of water for agricultural crops, a substance capable of absorbing up to 350 times its weight or volume in water, making gels and making it available to crops during the dry season. Plants by osmosis take only the amount of water needed to reduce the cycles of irrigation and leaching of nutrients, with a life span of 5 years.
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Hidrofix: Restoring soil. It is a highly efficient polymer mixed with the soil stops degradation and improve soil structure, allowing higher percentage of germination and better utilization of available water.
In clay soils have the ability to remove negative links from the clay to improve its structure.
If you would like more information or a free sample please contact us.
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